
If you are a parent who feels that your child is struggling in their learning, you have come to the right place. Real Teachers Tutor was born from a child who struggled in her academics. That child was me. I was a first grader who struggled to learn how to read. I was tutored by an excellent teacher who saw where my struggle was, identified it, and fixed it. I want to be able to be that person for your child.

When you see a child struggling, it can feel overwhelming. You want to help the child but you don’t know where to begin. Is it decoding? Is it comprehension? Is it fluency? Real Teachers Tutor administer diagnostic testing to pinpoint where the actual struggle is. Once it is identified, a plan is developed with specific lessons and materials to best meet the child’s needs. This isn’t done at the big tutoring companies.

Private tutoring is offered as well as learning pods.

Real Teachers Tutor is a place for students to become motivated and fluent readers. Look around the website and feel free to contact me if you re interested in services for your child.

Maureen Errity, Reading Specialist

Once upon a time, there was a little girl who had difficulty learning how to read. Her classmates did not have any trouble learning phonics skills to help make them proficient readers but this little girl needed more time than her classmates. Her first grade teacher, seeing this, decided to work with her after school and that little girl ended up earning a Masters Degree in Education and became a reading specialist to help other children who just needed a little extra time like she did. That little girl was me, Maureen Errity.
I have had the pleasure of teaching in New Jersey for over 20 years. In those years, I have
taught first thru fifth grades and I have learned so much about learning development in
children. I have also been a literacy coach and reading specialist. In recent years, I started Real Teachers Tutor. A company where teachers give more time and strategies to students who just need a little extra time and strategies like I did.

